Today, scrutiny and doubt dominate personal and public conversations surrounding government entities at all levels. In every state, municipal leaders are empowered to serve all constituents. At the same time, they are charged with strategically controlling escalating costs. In the past, managing costs associated with salaries and retirement plans were critical.

Now, salaries and retirement plans are not the only employee offerings that require a strategic approach to maximize benefits while having answers to the questions that come with constant external evaluation. Municipalities cannot afford to ignore the fiduciary responsibility they have to provide competitive benefits while managing member health plans.

Amwins Rx has the ability to implement comprehensive, flexible solutions at a time when budget reductions are commonplace. In this environment, it can be difficult to cover Specialty drugs that are crucial to the well-being of municipal employees. Patient Assistance Programs (PAP) are one way to address members' needs while remaining fiscally responsible. 

When providing services State & Local Government entities, we differentiate ourselves from other PBMs in the following ways;

  • Case management and utilization reviews for total management of member health
  • Integrated pharmacy data repository to better manage member needs
  • Our independently owned status, which results in broader soltuions not driven solely by rebates
  • Focus on customized solutions through plan design flexibility and reporting
  • Relationship-driven approach


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