As 10,000 people turn 65 every day for the next 12 years, retiree health coverage is an important component of the benefit packages that employers, municipalities, unions and their Funds offer members. This influx of retirees, combined with the high utilization and increase in specialty drug usage, will create financial burden for plan sponsors. Amwins Rx can help.

We offer a variety of Medicare Part D programs designed to manage costs, improve adherence and, ultimately, improve health outcomes.

Partnering with Amwins Rx begins with an extensive review of the current program to identify cost drivers and potential savings opportunities. We have been successfully transitioning clients to the Employer Group Waiver Plan (EGWP) program since the inception of Medicare Part D
in 2006.

Based on the data, we implement programs that offer the greatest cost management returns and establish other cost management protocols.

We also handle CMS compliance with our experienced compliance unit, removing the frustration and burden from Human Resources and ensuring procedures and guidelines are followed and implemented properly.

For more information, please visit retireerxcare.amwins.com.

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